Deltapontjes 2020 [English]

For more information on current departure times, download the free ‘overzetveren’ app, or go to: This brochure provides information on ten ferry connections in the region. In exceptional circumstances, the sailing schedules may be amended. If you want to be absolutely certain that the times are correct before you set out, then check the website of the ferry you wish to board. Towards the end of this brochure, you’ll find tourist information for each region – either for days out or a longer stay. The details of the tourism VVVs/promotional organisations are mentioned here. Nearly all of the areas have a network of cycling points, as well as a network of walking routes. This makes exploring the areas surrounding the Haringvliet even easier. NOTE.pdf 1 23-2-2017 10:59:40 We hope you enjoy the bike rides and ferry boats, and naturally we wish you ‘bon voyage’! 5 Information